We're really excited you've chosen to check out Hazel Creek Church. Here you'll find some basic information about the church's services and what we believe. Be sure to explore the website to get a better feel for Hazel Creek Church.

What to Expect
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for our worship service.
Children's Church is available in the downstairs children's wing for PK-5th grade.
We have a nursery as well for infant-3yr olds.
4th Sundays everyone meets together for Family Church
We are born in sin and all of us have committed sin. Sin is falling short of God's perfect standard (Romans 3:23). Jesus reveals in His Word that when we commit sin we actually become the "slave of sin" (John 8:34). Our sins also have consequences (Romans 6:23). We all know how hard it is to escape our particular sins, addictions, and wrong habits. Jesus explained that He is the key to our freedom, both from sin and the judgment that comes because of our sins (John 8:36). Our freedom comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He has already paid the penalty we deserve and completely broken the power and curse of sin through His death on the Cross (Colossians 2:13-15). We are invited to confess our sins, to admit we are helpless to save ourselves from God's judgment, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior by faith (Romans 10:8-10). Would you like to confess your sins now? Would you like to have freedom from sin? Right now where you are you can accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior by faith. Won't you accept Him today? You can (Romans 10:13). If you do, will you let us at Hazel Creek know? We want to encourage you in your new life with Jesus.
For more information about what Free Will Baptists believe, please visit the National Association of Free Will Baptists website by clicking here.